Healthy Pelvis

By Carole Barrie on 19 May 2022

This week I started 6 month training Whole Body Pelvic Health with Claire Sparrow.  Having issues myself of stress leaks since post menopause, it frequently feels more embarassing as a Pilates teacher.  This week I listened to a talk about the affect of scar tissue from birth trauma or any injury or operation around Pelvic girdle including hip replacement and prostate issues.
Light Bulb!
How can you expect you Pelvic muscles to snap into action if they are restricted and tight an being pulled by scar tissue? 
How can training these muscles to be stronger be effective until they are lengthened and released?

In my pilates classes we already cover a lot of movement that helps but I have starting giving my Pelvis a bit more love adding more regular stretching and breathing in some of those positions that are more uncomfortable for me.  And bonus, you get to try out all the lovely things I learn.

Some helpful info to get you started from Anna Crowle a specialist pelvic health physiotherapist.